When we see the news everyday it’s rare to see a story which has inspired and motivated so many people, and helped so many more. Stephen Sutton, a 19 year old cancer patient has hit headlines recently as his picture – and cause- went viral, moving and influencing many.
When his filming schedule led him to three weeks in India, Ben Richards, star of The Bill, Holby City and Footballer’s Wives, dismissed his unusual toilet habits as just another symptom of his change of diet and saw it as a bit of a stomach ache due to the increase in spicy food he was eating. Read more
Fruit and vegetables have been linked to reducing the risk of bladder cancer in women, which is great news.
We all knew that fruit and vegetables are good for us, but not many of us realised Read more
Vitamin D, also commonly known as the ‘sunshine vitamin’ has been shown to help treat people with asthma, scientists at the MRC-Asthma UK Centre in Allergic Mechanisms of Asthma have found.
The team have discovered that the vitamin had significant effects when used to Read more