Cruise Holiday Packing Tips

Cruises are filled with fun activities such as surf simulators, tennis courts, swimming pools, zip-wiring and not to mention the excursions you can book once your ship is in port. So when it comes to packing, it’s okay not to know where to start.

Planning ahead when it comes to luggage is essential, especially if you’re taking a flight to board your cruise at a foreign port. Battling with bulging bags can mean you incur excess charges when it comes to checking the bags in, so pack lightly to benefit!
Flying before your cruise also means keeping an eye on your hand luggage. Pack it wisely and include a change of clothes, essential documentation, medication and chargers should your luggage not arrive on time


  • Clothes are likely to fill your case quicker, so keep in mind the dress code for your ship or cruise line (available to view on the cruise line’s website) so no packed clothes remain in your cabin wardrobe for the entire trip and waste space in your suitcase.
  • Bring clothes which will allow you to dress appropriately for both your cruise’s destination and itinerary. Ships sailing round the Caribbean and French Polynesia have a much more casual dress code than those sailing round Europe.
  • Wear sensible clothing and footwear for any excursions or activities you intend on participating in.For example, wearing flip flops on the beach but packing more practical shoes for walking, hiking or sight-seeing onshore.
  • Consider doing your laundry on-board. Most ships offer a laundry service and although they might be pricier than you expect, it might be worth the extra weight and space allowance in your luggage. If you want to skip excess charges, one great idea is to pack some travel detergent or Febreze in with your bags to get more than a day’s wear out of one outfit, which comes in handy on longer cruises.
  • Leave your bathrobe and towels at home as these will be provided by the cabin steward upon your embarkation.


  • Remember the basics – things like alarm clocks are not provided by the cruise operators, so if you intend on getting up early, either bring an alarm clock with you or use your phone, but remember that most mobile networks have roaming charges in place.
  • It’s handy if you pack things that won’t be provided on-board (or if they are, at an excessive price) so items such as extra hangers and other things to ensure you make the most out of the limited storage space your cabin has, any medication and prescriptions you need throughout your trip, memory cards, sunscreen, ear plugs and plastic bags for holding electronic equipment are all great items which could save you both time and money.
  • Power strips and extension leads are commonly named as the most-needed-not-packed item amongst regular cruisers, as there are limited sockets within your cabin and with today’s reliance on phones, cameras and tablets to all be ready to go, you’ll need room to plug in and charge these at night.
  • Small bags and backpacks prove practical on shore excursions by carrying important documentation, cameras, sunscreen and the all-important water bottle.


  • Music players such as mp3 players or iPods can be useful on board or when you’re travelling to keep boredom at bay.Cameras and video cameras can be used to capture your holiday sights, although most phones these days come with a decent quality camera, so you might not need these as well. Portable game players keep children and teens entertained for hours on end and white noise machines can drown out the sounds of the roaring engine or particularly loud groups of people if your room is located in a noisy area of the ship.


  • If you’re usually a bookworm on holiday, there won’t be a need to fill your suitcase with heavy and space-consuming novels, or even your e-Reader, as many ships have on-board libraries. For beach and water-based cruises with younger children, inflatable water toys are ideal to pack as they provide days of entertainment on the water and also pack away easily into your luggage. If you intend to scuba-dive, snorkel, ski or play golf, it’s recommended you bring your own equipment unless you want to hire some. For wildlife-orientated cruises, it’s essential that you bring a camera and a decent pair of binoculars so you don’t miss any of the animal action.


  • Similar to a hotel, all cruise ships provide shampoo and soap in their cabin bathrooms. Most rooms include a low-wattage hair dryer too, so there isn’t any need to bring your own. Personal medications and sunscreen should be packed with your hand luggage and bring enough of it to last the entirety of your holiday.Medicine is often hard or expensive to acquire once your ship has set sail and sunscreen is sold at a higher price both on-board and in the ports of call.

Things to Do on a Cruise Holiday

The traditional image of a cruise ship has long changed from the classic images of couples walking on the promenade, only one large pool for all passengers to use and plenty of deck space for sunning areas. Nowadays, modern ships contain enough amenities and hold enough events so that a day spent sailing at sea is just as exciting as a day in port.

On-deck activities

On-deck activities now span from zip-wires to climbing walls and pool bars which transform into nightclubs over the course of the evening. Passengers can now partake in sky-diving and surfing simulations and swim in large resort-style pools with resistant currents, waterparks and wave machines.

Evening entertainment

Evening entertainment has always been a key element to cruising and modern day cruise lines have kept this classic aspect and transformed it from the stereotypical cabaret to laser displays and elaborately-dressed performers performing Broadway shows, or a high-octane acrobatic water performance by the crew.


On-board children’s clubs often host a huge variety of activities, including film pool parties, sleepovers, night nurseries, discos, nightclubs and lounges for teens and young adults, improv classes, ice-skating, dodgeball, circus training and talent shows alongside the huge number of amenities available on-board and in the ports of call.


Cruises are an incredible opportunity to do things you’ve always wanted to do in locations other holiday operators can’t always get to. From swimming with dolphins to cage-diving with sharks, kayaking round gigantic glaciers in the Baltic to spending the day under the tutelage of a professional sculptor in Italy. Similar to the way that ships have amenities for people with all tastes, they also provide excursions for people with different interests.

If you are taking part in an activity whist on an excursion, please double check our list of ‘covered activities’ to ensure you are fully covered. Click here to see the list.


One of the key advantages to choosing a cruise as your holiday is the all-inclusive price, which includes food and drink. Having several gourmet and casual variety restaurants within such a close area means that almost every passenger’s individual taste is catered for. Room service is also available on most ships, making the highly-commended, plentiful food available to passengers 24/7 for a small charge. Bars on-board cruise ships are becoming more diverse, with ships having up to ten bars which range from traditional British pubs to specialist champagne or martini bars and ice bars offering the latest cocktail concoction at the hands of award-winning mixologists.


In addition to all of this, ships are making more and more facilities available to their customers, including transforming their ships into floating resorts, complete with spas, gyms, salons, shops and opportunities for passengers to join in on workshops and listen to lectures.

Daily Bulletin

Activities and events are usually delivered to your cabin each evening, detailing the itinerary or schedule for the next day, on the Daily Bulletin. This should already be in your cabin upon your embarkation of the ship.

Piste Safety

Winter sports are great fun and relatively safe, with less injuries being caused each year than more ordinary sports such as tennis or running. As long as you’re sensible, you shouldn’t find yourself at risk of an accident or injury.

However, every year hundreds of people who participate in winter sports such as skiing, skating or snowboarding find themselves in hospital with injuries. Some are minor and some are serious and require urgent medical attention leading to hospitalisation, permanent disability or even repatriation, so travel insurance is a must.

Below are some tips we’ve gathered to help you stay safe whether you’re on, or off-piste.

#1: Make sure you take out the right winter sports travel insurance.

  • Check the policy suits you and your needs before you invest.
  • Keep your travel insurance medical emergency helpline number and policy number to hand at all times.

#2: Make sure either your equipment, or the gear you hire – is in good condition

  • For skiing, make sure the skis are the right length for you.
  • For snowboarding, make sure your boots are comfortable and fit snugly.
  • Make sure the bindings are fitted correctly.
  • If you’re ice skating, make sure your blades are sharp.
  • Don’t borrow skiing equipment – it should fit your height, weight and skill level.

#3: Wear protective headgear

  • Make wearing protective headgear or a helmet mandatory amongst your travelling group, especially if they include kids.

#4: Prepare for the cold climate with layered clothes underneath waterproof and windproof jackets, trousers or similar.

  • Make sure you keep as warm as you can, even if it means adding extra layers.
  • Add a hat, gloves and scarf – although they’re small they can make a huge difference.

#5: Don’t just assume that you can pick up the sport having never tried it before.

  • Have lessons if you’ve never done it before and if you haven’t been on the piste for a while, a few lessons will refresh your memory and polish up your skills.

#6: Wear goggles or polarised sunglasses

  • Because the sun is at such a low point, you can often find yourself unable to see which can be dangerous.
  • If you wear prescription glasses, wear goggles that fit comfortably over them. Alternatively, consider prescription goggles – pricey but they’re worth it.

#7: Take regular breaks

  • When you’re having so much fun, it can be easy to forget to eat or re-hydrate. Take regular snack breaks to stop wearing yourself out.
  • Make sure you reapply sunscreen to any exposed skin on your breaks and remember that the higher you are, the more potent the UV rays from the sun.

#8: Ski/board with a friend

  • Keeping an eye out for each other on the slopes can prove to be safer than skiing or boarding alone. If you disappear or fall, they’ll be first to your aid and can call for help.
  • Going down those slopes at such a pace can be similar to driving – the better your observation, the safer you’ll be.

#9: Know your limits

  • Keep to your skill level on the runs. Green is beginner, blue is intermediate, red is intermediate/advanced and black is advanced.
  • NEVER go off-piste unless you’re advised or authorised to do so by the resort themselves and even then, go with a guide who knows the mountain. Make sure you obey all warning signs, especially during avalanche season.

#10: Carry important documentation and a fully-charged mobile phone with you

  • Including your travel insurance emergency medical helpline number, your policy number and the number of any friends or family in the resort with you so you can call for help if you need it.

#11: Don’t drink and ski or board

  • A glass of wine or beer with a meal is fine, but excess alcohol will slow your reaction time and drastically affect your observation and balance.

#12: Obey the International Ski Federation Rules:

    The following is a summary of the ISF rules, which are now held to be binding in law:

  • RESPECT – Do not endanger others.
  • CONTROL – Adapt the manner and speed of your skiing to your and to the general conditions on the mountain/ ability
  • ROUTE – The skier/snowboarder in front has priority – leave enough space.
  • OVERTAKING – Leave plenty of space when overtaking a slower skier/snowboarder.
  • STARTING OUT – Always look in every direction before starting.
  • STOPPING – Stop only at the edge of the piste or where you can be seen easily.
  • CLIMBING – Always keep to the side of the piste.
  • SIGNS – Obey all signs and markings – they are provided for your safety.
  • ASSISTANCE – In case of accidents, provide help or alert the rescue services.
  • IDENTIFICATION – All those involved in an accident, including witnesses, should exchange names and addresses.

Winter Travel Packing Tips


  • Layer up: Bring plenty of layers to wear throughout the day to insulate and keep warm. Something like a vest top or t-shirt under a long sleeved t-shirt underneath a jumper or fleece (bear in mind wool tends to be bulky and therefore harder to pack), fitted under an insulated waterproof jacket. You can always add or remove layers of clothing as you go between in and outdoors.
  • Hat: You lose the majority of your body heat through your head, so covering it up can really help keep you warm. Make sure your hat covers your ears and is made of thin, modern materials which pack lightly, but also provide maximum warmth.
  • Gloves: You no longer have to pack the heaviest, woolliest gloves you can find in order to keep yourself warm. Modern insulating materials mean that you can pack light and still remain cosy. Waterproof ones are the best as they hold up in even the worst weather and the thin, tight material makes them easy to carry.
  • Shoes: Your shoes will be your heaviest item, unless you’re bringing your own equipment, but they’re really important as your feet are buried in the snow the majority of the time and so cope with the majority of the wet and the cold. Good, dark, weatherproof winter boots are ideal for the climate and should last you season after season.
  • Polarised sunglasses: The low winter sun can be really rough on your eyes, as it’s lower and closer to your point of vision and with the reflective snowy surroundings, being able to see can become a problem when out on the slopes or even just driving.
  • Swimwear: Some resorts may have pools, hot tubs or saunas to relax in after a long day on the slopes.
  • Sunscreen: Despite it not being warm, windburn or sunburn off the reflective snow and ice can damage your skin to the same extent laying out by the pool can.

Before You Go

  • Check the travel alerts from the FCDO of the country you intend on visiting. Follow @FCDOtravelGovUK on Twitter to get the latest travel updates and advice.
  • Find out where the nearest embassy will be.
  • Sort out travel insurance – insurancewith provide cover for customers with pre-existing medical conditions, allowing you to go on holiday without having to pay excessive premiums.
  • If you’re travelling within the European Economic Area, from 1st January 2021 rules around travel to Europe have changed, visit the Government website for up to date information on passports, EHIC, healthcare and more. We’ll update this page with more information as and when the Government release it.
  • Check with your doctor whether you’ll need any vaccinations before you travel.
  • Make sure you’ve got the correct visas for the country you intend to visit.
  • Most importantly, check your passport is valid at the time you intend to travel – it takes up to six weeks to apply for or renew a passport, so checking well in advance might save time later on.
  • Tell friends and family where you’re travelling to and leave them your contact details, travel insurance policy details and your itinerary as this will make it easy for them in case of an emergency.
  • Make sure you have enough money to cover emergencies.
  • If you intend on driving abroad, make sure your licence is current and valid. Make sure you’re aware of the driving laws in the country you intend on visiting.
  • Sort out your hand luggage.
  • Check with your airline for flight delays.
  • Keep all tickets, visas, foreign exchange and passports safely in a travel belt or bag and keep these with you at all times.
  • Check your house is safe before you leave – check all switches are off, water is turned off to prevent pipes from freezing and securely lock all windows and doors.

Winter Sports Equipment

Winter sports are some of the most adrenaline-inducing out there and there’s something for everyone. From snowboarding and skiing to ice-skating and snow-shoeing – you can even go down a mountain on a big inflatable ring- any sports enthusiast can get involved. When is there a better time to experience new things than on holiday?

To join in, you don’t even have to necessarily have to buy your own equipment, many resorts and centres can provide you with their own hired stuff – definitely cheaper than buying your own.

Don’t feel limited to one sport
Don’t feel like you can’t branch out and experience something different. If you buy gloves, goggles and a hat, you can pretty much try any sport you want to have a go at. However, for all high-adrenaline sports, it’s a good idea not to skimp on the equipment and the high quality stuff is likely to keep you safer.

Snowboarding has become one of the most popular winter sports as it’s relatively easy to pick up for beginners. To cover the basic essentials you need for snowboarding, you’ll have to invest in a snowboard, snowboard boots, bindings, trousers, a jacket, goggles and other warm winter gear such as hats and gloves.

One of the oldest winter sports, skiing is second in popularity to snowboarding and requires some level of experience before you head to the top to ski back down. When you go skiing, you’ll need a set of skis, ski boots and winter sports gear similar to the snowboarding attire – a warm, waterproof jacket and pair of trousers, goggles, a hat and some gloves.

If you just want to get out and explore the snowy terrain. Snow shoes allow you to walk across feet-deep snow without sinking. If you’re just going on a holiday in snowy climate, these are ideal to take in order to explore and enjoy the outdoors further than you could without them. For snowshoeing, you just need some snowshoes, bindings and your warm, waterproof winter jacket, trousers, hat and gloves as mentioned above. If you want a sporty slant on snowshoeing, opt for some running snowshoes or backcountry snowshoes for a more adrenaline-pumping experience in the wintery climate.

Ice skating
Ice skating is the winter sport which everyone participates in at one point or another. Moving across the ice at a fast but graceful pace becomes really enjoyable after you’ve let go of the side of the rink…or someone’s arm. Make sure when you buy ice skates, that you’ve bought the right type as they vary. Figure skates are designed for manoeuvrability, speed skates are built for exactly that and ice hockey skates have a small pick in their tip to allow players to make quick stops or changes in direction. Make sure your ice skates have been sharpened. A sharp ice skate blade grips the ice better than a dull one. Ideally, you should sharpen your blades when they begin to slip when you land. You could measure the number of hours it takes for your blades to become dull and then you’ll have an idea of how long you can skate for without any surprises.

Sledding is great winter fun for the whole family and there are a whole different number of sled types to choose from. A straight shot down the snowy hill requires a toboggan, but if you want a quick, wild and bouncy ride, you’ll have to opt for the plastic sled. Some resorts have special sled sections and some sledding hills have tugging lifts so you don’t even have to get up, but you can also sled almost anywhere there is a slope. Make sure you pick out a sled or a snow tube (a large inflatable ring) with enough seats for your number of riders and start sledding.

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