On 13th May I visited Joanne Smith in Newcastle. Joanne is the founder and CEO of one of the charities that Insurancewith supports, FACT (Fighting All Cancers Together). The visit was for a talk and advice session for FACT service users on travel insurance for people diagnosed with cancer.
Photo courtesy of Fiona Macrae
We’ve been supporting FACT since Insurancewith was first launched, actually FACT were the first charity we supported. We believe in the organisation’s aims to support not only those suffering from cancer, but everyone affected by it. Helping people to socialise, discuss common issues and become friends with people in a similar situation to their own is a focus at FACT, which is why I do these talks for them on a regular basis. I talked to the audience about my own experience with cancer and how it bought about the creation of Insurancewith; through my experience I can relate to a lot of their fears and questions about travel insurance and traveling in general after a cancer diagnosis.
By describing our medical screening process online and our unique 1-2-1 medical screening off line, I highlight how we are different from other providers, explaining how we can offer people cover specific to their medical situation, even if they don’t think it will affect them whilst they’re away.
Customers who exclude their medical conditions in fear of an expensive premium was another talking point. I explained that just because someone declares a medical condition does not mean that they will automatically be charged more money, we just need to be aware of all medical conditions so we can assess the risk correctly. Many people who apply for specialist medical travel insurance aren’t aware that if they don’t mention their medical condition they could risk a claim being declined if the claim they make is as a result of the medical condition or the treatment of it.
Photo courtesy of Fiona Macrae
I also spoke about how the EHIC card is not a substitute for travel insurance. It doesn’t cover the many costs that travel insurance policies do, there are many differing rules throughout Europe of what is covered under the state health service and what you are and are not liable to pay under the EHIC scheme. One thing you definitely won’t be covered for is repatriation back to the UK.
More exciting discussions on my visit was FACT Carer Awards on the 15th November, something which Insurancewith are proud to be a sponsor of. The purpose of the Carer Awards is to raise recognition for both adult and young carers who have selflessly supported someone throughout their cancer journey or have done something to support others throughout their individual cancer experience.
We’re proud to sponsor such an event, especially as it promotes some of FACT’s key values – support, friendship, loyalty, and most importantly, positive attitudes