Climbing for shine walk

Climbing for Shine

Recently, eleven members of the Insurancewith team set out to climb Snowdon in aid of Shine Cancer Support. Read more

Cystic fibrosis trust charity ball

50 Fundraisers for Cystic Fibrosis

A mother from Nottinghamshire has raised over an incredible £50,000 in the name of the Cystic Fibrosis Trust.

Lorraine Barnes, from Bothamsall, set herself the challenge of raising £50,000 through fifty separate fundraisers in the 18 months leading up to her 50th birthday, which she has said she will not be marking until her sons Daniel and Joseph, who suffer from cystic fibrosis, can do the same. Read more

Meditating on the beach at sunset

How to travel the world when you have anxiety

Travelling to destinations far and wide, exploring new places and going on holiday is often a means for many to recharge, escape the humdrum of everyday life and experience new places and things, but just as you should look after your physical health and take into account how travelling could affect you when you have a medical condition like cancer, you also have to think about how going on your long-awaited trip could affect your mental health, especially if you have conditions like anxiety or depression.

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We have a winner!

Recently we wrote a blog detailing the Insurancewith Travel Survey 2016. We had asked our customers a few questions about what travelling meant to them, and entered everyone who gave us their email address a chance to win a £100 John Lewis voucher. Read more

A hand holding shopping bags

WIN £100 to spend in John Lewis, with our 2016 Travel Survey

We would love your feedback for our 2016 Travel Survey. All you need is a spare five minutes to answer our five easy questions! Read more

InsuranceWith Awards