Next week sees the start of this year’s cervical cancer prevention week and as the name suggests, cervical cancer can be prevented, which is why promoting this week is so important. According to Jo’s Cervical Cancer Trust, in 2010, 20% of women did not take up their invitation for cervical screening, and more shockingly, only 50% of girls offered the HPV vaccine (human papilloma virus can cause cervical cancer in some people) in the catch up programme, elected to have the injection, which could potentially save their lives. Read more
As many of you will know, Insurancewith was created after I was diagnosed with breast cancer and was unable to find affordable travel insurance that covered cancer. And I said at the time Insurancewith would always be work in progress, we would carry on refining and updating our screening taking into account new treatments and the amazing strides the medical profession are making with cancer and survival rates.
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Do you have an existing medical condition? Have you ever wondered why you need to buy specialist travel insurance for pre-existingmedical conditions?
My little brother, well not so little these days, has Type I Diabetes. He was diagnosed when he was 12 years old and if you too are diabetic and looking for diabetic travel insurance, then you will understand the life changes involved for the entire family.
Nick was tall fit sporty good looking and desperately wanted to join the Police Force, or go into the Army like his dad and granddad, careers which were denied him. He became a very angry young man and deeply resented “being different”. This meant he was what medics would term a “non-compliant” patient. Read more