Do we really need to buy insurance?

This was the headline in the Mail on Sunday this Sunday. The article quoted radio presenter Danny Baker who thinks that insurance is a waste of money and encourages people to live in a constant state of anxiety.

Everyone has an opinion about insurance and the majority are not that positive. However it is when you do need to claim on a policy that you realise its worth.  Read more

Get prepared for the slopes!

The snow is falling in Europe so there’s still time to fit in another quick skiing holiday before the season ends. However, to make the most of your time at the resort, you need to prepare before you go, don’t let aching muscles after one day on the slopes leave you as a spectator.  We would always advise our medical conditions travel insurance customers to book a course of Pilates classes to prepare their body for skiing. 

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Take a break from illness

When diagnosed with a serious medical condition, the feeling of sadness and worry can be all-encompassing. Such permanent stress can take a toll on your physical and mental well-being and it can also hinder the body’s ability to fight infection, making it important for patients to rest, relax and unwind.

A holiday is the perfect way to de-stress after a diagnosis. In fact, there is research that suggests avoiding a trip away could inflict further problems on your health.

Going on holiday
A study on 13,000 middle-aged men at risk of heart disease discovered those who skipped holidays for five consecutive years were 30 per cent more likely to suffer heart attacks than those who took at least one week off each year. Apparently, even missing one year’s holiday was associated with a higher risk of heart disease. Read more

Heart attack deaths halve in recent years

A report published in the British Medical Journal, compiled by Oxford University academics has found that heart attack deaths reduced by 50% between 2002 and 2010. The researchers were trying to find out if the drop was due to prevention such as healthier lifestyles, preventive treatment such as cholesterol lowering medication or better treatment after a heart attack. The findings were that they all played an equal role in preventing fatalities. Read more

Can you afford not to have travel insurance?

Travel insurance tends to be a grudge-buy, (because why pay money when you haven’t been in hospital because of an accident for years/ever, so what are the chances of it happening whilst you’re abroad, right?) but as our medical condition travel insurance customers can testify, it’s only when you need to claim on a travel insurance policy that you realise its worth, especially if you have an emergency situation. Furthermore you shouldn’t try to save money by not declaring your medical conditions.

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