More great news from our friends at FACT! They’re heading up a £2 million support, awareness and education centre, which will be the first of it’s kind in the UK, providing support and education for hundreds of people each year.
The Gateshead project, which has been in the planning stages for several years, hopes to provide a huge range of services to people with cancer as well as their families, friends and other support networks. The facility is set to be built and completed in Gateshead within the next three years.
Photo courtesy of ChronicleLive
FACT (Fighting All Cancers Together) is currently raising funds for the facility, to help create the community hub whose purpose ties in with FACT’s own values and beliefs. FACT aim to help and support those going through the cancer journey by giving them social opportunities with others going through the same thing, creating a strong support network for anyone suffering from the effects of the disease. Keeping a positive attitude, offering education, giving practical help and making it easier for people to access this support at times when they might not feel like looking specifically for help are both FACT areas of work which will come to life with this new Gateshead cancer centre.
Picture courtesy of FACT
Joanne Smith, Chief Executive and founder of FACT is leading everyone in efforts to raise £2 million to develop the centre. She said: “This centre will be the first of it’s kind in the UK and will play such an important role in the lives of people with cancer, as well as those close to them. It’s an awful statistic that one in two people in the North East are diagnosed with cancer – if you think about how many people that translates into, and then how many loved ones will be affected as a consequence, you can see what a vital role a facility like ours can play.”
Paul Liddle, Partner in the Real Estate department at Sintons, the law firm which has acted for FACT since it started in 2008 after Joanne’s own battle with cancer, said: “This centre will be a very important addition to the North East’s existing outstanding facilities for cancer patients and their families, and will only add to its reputation as being at the forefront of cancer care. We are delighted to be part of this project.”
Helping people to socialise and discuss common issues with others in a similar medical situation to their own is something which is a focus at FACT, and also something extremely important to us here at Insurancewith. We’ve supported FACT since it was founded – one of the first charities we supported – so to see something we have always followed and supported do something like this is fantastic.